Lego Moonbounce #29

Lego Moonbounce #29

$189.00 | Mon - Thu

$210.00 | Fri - Sun, Holidays

*plus delivery and take down/drop-off option fees if applicable
  • Dimensions:

    13'L x 13'W x 15'H



Transform your child's next party into a builder's paradise with the Lego Moonbounce! This unique rental brings the excitement of Lego to life in a big, bouncy way. Perfect for birthday parties, school events, or any gathering of young Lego enthusiasts in Maryland and Washington DC, it offers an innovative way to combine physical activity with creative play.

Features include:

  • Lego-Themed Artwork: Bright, colorful designs inspired by the world of Lego, appealing to both boys and girls.
  • Spacious Bouncing Area: Ample space for children to jump, bounce, and play, fostering active fun and social interaction.
  • Safety First: High-quality construction with safety netting and padded edges to ensure a safe environment for all kids.
  • Interactive Elements: Some models may feature obstacles or basketball hoops for additional play options (subject to availability).
  • Effortless Experience: Our team handles setup and takedown, providing a stress-free rental experience for parents and event organizers.

The Lego Moonbounce is more than just a bounce house; it's a portal to a world where creativity meets physical activity. Children can pretend to be master builders, crafting imaginary worlds while jumping and laughing with friends. It's an ideal choice for fostering imaginative play and making your event a memorable one.

Book the Lego Moonbounce for your next event in Maryland and Washington DC, and watch as kids build their adventures in this playful, engaging inflatable. Reserve now to guarantee a block-tastic party experience!

Lego Moonbounce

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Bouncy Rentals, LLC is a Proud Member of the Safe Inflatable Operators Training Organization